Mcqs On Computer Fundamental | Computer Awareness Questions And Answers | All Student World

Mcqs On Computer Fundamental | Computer Awareness Questions And Answers | All Student World 

1).Using anti-virus software is.
a)    preventive measure.
b)    Detective measure.
c)    corrective measure.
d)    none of these.

2).A computer cannot"boot"if it does not have the____key.
a)    compiler.
b)    loader.
c)    operating system.
d)    Assembler.

3).The primary goal of a computer system is to turn data into____.
a)    ideas.
b)    suggestions.
c)    information.
d)    reports.

4).A____is often used to select or highlight.
a)    icon.
b)    key board.
c)    hard disk.
d)    mouse.

5).The copy command saves to____.
a)    the desktop.
b)    the clipboard.
c)    printer.
d)    microsoft woed.

6).something which has easily understood instructions is said to be____.
a)    hyper.
b)    icon.
c)    information.
d)    user friendly.

7).The____settings are automatic and standard.
a)    icon.
b)    default.
c)    CPU.
d)    peripheral.

8).The____of a system includes the programs or instructions.
a)    peripheral.
b)    software.
c)    information.
d)    icon.

9).MACROS is used to____.
a)    store the text.
b)    create the text.
c)    break the page.
d)    All.

10).To stop the running program____key is used by the keyboard.
a)    Del.
b)    Break.
c)    ESC.
d)    Fn.


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